75 miles until we get to heaven.

Guys. I’m so excited.

About a week and a half ago, I was cast in Peoria Players Theatre’s production of THE BEST LITTLE WHOREHOUSE IN TEXAS. We had our first rehearsal this Monday and I AM SO FRIGGIN’ EXCITED. I haven’t been in a show since February. I haven’t been in a rehearsal process since January. So the fact that I’m getting the opportunity to get back on the stage just really excites me. I’ve said it before and I’m sure I’ll say it again, but theatre is my passion. Acting is the only profession I can think of and realize that it is a job that I will never be tired of. There is no role too big or too small that I will turn my nose up at.

If you are unfamiliar with the show, there is a movie starring Dolly Parton and Burt Reynolds from the 80s. I haven’t seen it yet but just about everyone I’ve told about the show, whether at home or work, knows about the movie and thinks it’s a great show. A lot of people already want to come and see the show, which is even more exciting! Our first rehearsal was Monday, and that consisted of meeting everyone, going over some expectations and such with the director, getting measured for costumes, getting music, and then reading through the script and listening to the music. Just that simple step back into the rehearsal process has put a new spring in my step. I’ve missed being onstage more than I can say, so to know that in the coming weeks that is where I’m going to be has given me a second wind, so to speak.

Anyway, this was just a short little update, but it was an update I felt I needed to share!

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